Targeted SMS Marketing Why SMS Marketing Is the Best Idea Ever in UAE

Ok, well almost anyone in UAE — 95 percent of all text messages are read within two minutes of being received. This isn’t just a fluffy statistic. Recent research also suggests that “almost one third of those targeted with SMS advertising campaigns respond to the correspondence; with almost half of this group going on to make a purchase.
Dataslices has done thousands of successful Text Message Marketing in UAE on our premium databases. Start your campaign now
Your clients check their phones 170 times per day!
Our Bulk Texting Service is your “go to” for SMS messaging; easily send simple text messages, images and animated gif with a few of mouse clicks. Bulk texting is powerful because 99% of your messages are seen… not deleted like your emails or ignored like your social media posts!
Delivering your messages here guarantees they’ll be seen (99% of SMS messages are opened & read)
If you need a friendly UAE based text messaging solution you’re in the right place (eh!).
Call now (+971 4 4504292) or fill the inquiry form.