Dataslices messaging platform™ (DMP) is built over kennel open source environment with linux fedora core 4/5 platform. dmp can connect to various smscs via smpp 3.4/3.5 protocols. this communication will be purely smpp based and client server architecture is followed in this dataslices messaging platform. the client can manage the dmp smpp platform with user friendly interfaces and achieve the functionalities of smpp server for handling the smooth sms business. Dataslices messaging platform works as an sms gateway for all gsm networks. it provides the vital sms services totally based on smpp3.4/ smpp3.5. Dataslices messaging platform requires linux operating system to be installed on the server where you want to run this messaging gateway.
Features of Dataslices Messaging Platform™:
- Works as both pull and push gateway
- Supports 7-bit, 8-bit and unicode data
- Supports delivery report on smpp/http
- Prefix based routing to various destinations/countries.
- Supports hundreds of messages per second in average workstation
- Log monitoring user friendly web interfaces
- Commercial features also added for monitoring accounting information.
- Can be used to send operator logos, ringing tones
- Supports smpp 3.4 / smpp 3.5
- Can connect various http based content gateways
- Supports feature of adding multiple smsc
- Can provide dlr on the smpp port to the client
System architecture of Dataslices messaging platform™\
Configuration Module:-
server.conf – config file of the server (upstream smsc connections) configuration file with path of smsc.d config files are stored here and the binaries which are running are referring this config file to connect to the upstream smsc. smppbox.conf- config file of the server details which open the port for the server, on that port the client will be connect and our server will listen for client request. module.smppbox generally communicate between upstreams and clients.
Module.D – contains included config sections (mainly smppbox related) the prepaid plugin module which is related to clients credit handling is handled in this module. the mysql connection is set communicate with the smpp binaries.
SMSC.D – contains the smsc group connection sections (upstream for smppbox) configuration files with details of upstream smsc’s are stored here and the binaries which are running are referring this config file to connect to the upstream smsc .the details like ip , port ,username and password , ton and npi settings will be stored in this section.
ESME.D – contains the smppbox esme/user account details configuration files with the user details for whom we are like smsc. all details like username,password ,routing gateway , prefix routing is needed to mention in this section.
Techinical module:-
At the client level, the smsbox will simply reply to the mo with a mt message containing the text. in the beginning of all we have to start the bearerbox which will create the connection with upstream smsc. start the smppbox daemon and all messages that have been in the receiver queue are passed to smppbox. the client bearerbox connects to smppbox, and all mo messages are passed via deliver_smpdus to the smpp user.
Smppbox connects to the smsbox-port of a bearerbox. so the connection scheme will be as under:
[smpp client] <-smpp-> smppbox <-server internal-> bearerbox<smsc> <-> bearerbox(server) ………… <-smpp-> bearerbox(client)
System Flow:-
This provides the overall system interaction with the external agents and data that is passed between different functions that are interacting within the system. it also shows which data are stored in system that are required to manage and administer the system. smppbox , bearerbox are the utilities that interacts with the upstream smsc and users who are configured with our service. web interface is the gui given to client for creating and managing users , gateways etc.
the system shows the external entities that interacts with the system and the functional units and their interaction within the system. this shows the overall fuctional and technical data that is passed between the system functions and the external agents that are outside the system. here esme manages user and smsc details.
this shows how the systems functional modules interacts with the external entities it also shows what type of data are passed in between them from one module to another module and the interaction in between them. the data that is passed through system from the external entities are shown below.
this is a overall system that shows how the system interacts with the external entities over the server what are the data that are sent or have to be sent to get the right response from the server. the system interacts as esme and smsc with smsc and clients; it allows sending data through esme through registered gateway for every registered client. the system gives dr to clients, it also manages gateway and user for the esme, it acts as an gateway allowing only valid message to be send via gateway to smsc.
The Web Interface for Administration
Dataslices messaging platform webadmin module can read, parse and write the configuration file. the web interface is an efficient and user-friendly way to manage users and gateways on smpp server and to generate dis reports.
the dataslices smpp server runs on a linux platform and provides any easy methods to manage user and gateway creation, modification or deletion. one needs to be technically sound and particularly comfortable on the linux platform for performing such functions. and even though one might posses the technical know-how to do so it still remains a tedious task and one which could easily lead to errors if one is not careful while doing it.
the web interface overcomes all these shortcomings and presents the user with a very friendly easy-to-use interface through which he could perform tasks of managing the gateway and users with relative ease.
one of the most compelling features of the interface are that you need not know what’s going on behind the scenes, i.e a lay-man or a complete non-technical person with just about average knowledge of computers could run the show through the interface as a system administrator would do without it.
the web interface developed solely by dataslices. divides the user functions into two main categories as follows:
the administration part consists of management of users which itself contains user creation, modification and deletion, and gateway management which also comprises of the same activities.
Given below are the screen–shots of the web interface which would be self-explanatory.
Admin Login
Admin login for web interface is the entrance to the dataslices smpp management which will allow the administrator of the to handle the gateway and user management. but to use those functionality administrator will be authenticated and will be allowed further for using the functionalities provided in the admin interface.
User management for Dataslices smpp

Gateway management module is given for managing multiple gateway’s which will connect to upstream ip address,port , username , password , ton , npi and other settings related to upstream smsc can be handled in this module. addition, modification and deletion of gateways are provided.
dis reports
the reports part consists of various reports of client usage of the dataslices smpp server, such as daily stats, log of messages sent on a specific day, date or month, logs of delivery messages, sender specific logs, user specific logs and other such data that could be of utmost importance for the management.
Daily statistics report
Daily statistics report provide the current day count of sms sent.this report will show the userwise sms sent for the current day.
Delivery report for selected user and sender for selected Date
The above report provides information about the delivery report of the selected user ,this report is basically gives the delivery status , submit date , done date , which gateway its submitted. This report is very helpful for taking decisions in the allocating routing.
Log report for selected user, sender and specific Date
The above report provides information about the delivery report of the selected user ,this report is basically gives the delivery status , submit date , done date , which gateway its submitted.
Date-wise month summary report for Gateway
Date-wise summary report for the month of August ’06
Date-wise summary report for users for the month of August ‘06
The above report is very helpful in management point of view. This report gives us the summary count of all the messages sent by various users configured in the system.this report is very useful for cross checking with the submitted count at gateway.
Client-wise month summary report
Month summary report for testweb2 for the month of August ‘06
The above report gets date wise count for the selected user for the selected month . this report is also very useful to cross check the actual submission to the smsc.
We have developed SMS API to integrate with your web/application to generate SMS messages to mobile phones. Full featured & developer-friendly SMS API’s developed by Dataslices provide 100% uptime guarantee. With a slight and easy integration to our web service API, you will be able to send SMS from your application.
Dataslices wide range of SMS products offer all type of API’s like
✔ Web Services
✔ COM Object API
Our SMS Gateway (API) solution offers:
✔ 2 way interactive SMS campaigns
✔ No hardware or software to buy
✔ Any programming language supported
✔ Outbound SMS marketing campaigns
✔ Database establishment & management
✔ Centralizing database from all communication means into one database server
✔ Up to any required access to SMS gateway server for our client needs
✔ SMS applications for live entry streaming for voting or poling etc
✔ Integrate your own application to your SMS gateway account
✔ All languages support
Save time & money by using our reliable ready made solution.
SMS Applications
MIS System
Our unique application can be customized to any company’s specification and can be fine tuned with their backend MIS system.
In pull based application they can retrieve the specific data from database whenever they want. this application is also very useful for the sale guys those who are on field. they can have a real time report on their cell phone which keep them update on the daily stock lying in the store so that they can book orders accordingly.
This application is for the top management of any company who want to keep an eye on daily sales, stock etc.this application is either push based or pull based. in push based application at a predesided time on every day the authorized members of top management can receive a report of daily sales and stock on their mobile via sms.
Short Code Application
For short code we have developed extensive application which can be very easily tuned with the customer’s requirement and implemented in a very short time span. we have various applications ready for short code like sms poll, sms contest etc.
SMS Products and Solutions:
- SMS Gateway
- SMS Reseller Panel
- SMS Desktop Applications
- SMS Outlook Plug-In
- SMS Excel Plug-In